タグ: #ヨガ好きな人と繋がりたいPage 1 of 3

【YOGA】 カラダがかたいからヨガできない… そんな声をよく耳にします。 大丈夫です。 だって、私もかたいから。 ヨガは人と比べるものじゃなくて。 自分と向き合うもの。 だから。 今、自分が心地よく感じる事をすればいい☺️ 難しいポーズはもちろんたくさ ..

@usausa_155 この投稿をInstagramで見…

【YOGA】 お気に入りの1枚♡ 初めて挑戦したポーズ。 挑戦したらハマって時々家でも練習してます☺️ Thank you photo by @yasuchin190 · #ヨガ #yoga #yogalife #yoga_bijo #yogapracti ..

@usausa_155 この投稿をInstagramで見…

【YOGA】 自分と向き合う時間…… · wear: @onearts_jpn fan cord 【SAYA38】→20%off · #ヨガ #yoga #yogalife #yoga_bijo #yogapractice #🧘‍♀️ #ヨガのある暮らし ..

@usausa_155 この投稿をInstagramで見…

・ ONEARTSの【いい買物の日キャンペーン】 全ショップ  MAX70%OFF 11/11(木曜)0時~1時 1時間限定 ⏰ 更に10000円以上お買い上げと1000円クーポン利用可♥ とってもお得な機会なのでチェックしてみてね𓂃 (ノ´³`)ノ♡♡♡ こ ..

@shiroancoco この投稿をInstagramで…

Happy Friday🥳 I hope y’all had a great week🤩 I ended my week with Abs workout, upper body workout, and HIIT workout🏋️‍♀️ Hello weekend ..

@zuuchan_fit この投稿をInstagramで…

Good evening 💙 Did some lower body workouts today in my very comfortable @soul.fitwear 🍑🏋️‍♀️ My legs and booty hurt so bad!!🤣 Have a ..

@zuuchan_fit この投稿をInstagramで…

Hello☀️ I love this stretching after booty workouts🍑🏋️‍♀️ Make sure to stretch before and after all workouts😆💪 Have a great day💚🌈 こん ..

@zuuchan_fit この投稿をInstagramで…

Hello✨ I did some HIIT exercises for 40 minutes💪 Felt so great to move my body after sitting in my chair for many hours😂 By the way, ..

@zuuchan_fit この投稿をInstagramで…

Good morning☀️ I started my last semester at grad school☺️ I have an important presentation today! Wish me luck😉💜 Before the presenta ..

@zuuchan_fit この投稿をInstagramで…

Good morning ☀️ Finally started working out again after some days off✌️ It’s Autumn so it’s the season of sweet potatoes 🤤❤️ There ar ..

@zuuchan_fit この投稿をInstagramで…

Good evening💙 Today I worked out at night since I had some research due. But, it felt so great to exercise after working hard!! Such an ..

@zuuchan_fit この投稿をInstagramで…

Good evening💙 I did booty and abs workout today in my favorite @soul.fitwear 🍑💪 Tomorrow, I’ll take a day off since my period started ..

@zuuchan_fit この投稿をInstagramで…

Good morning☀️ This is one of my favorites from @soul.fitwear 💙🤍 The color and texture is sooo on point🥺✨ It kinda looks like mochi😆 ..

@zuuchan_fit この投稿をInstagramで…

Hello☀️ I’m back at it again!!💪🙌❤️ I was suffering from the side effects of Covid-19 moderna vaccine😩 I had a high fever for a long ti ..

@zuuchan_fit この投稿をInstagramで…

Good morning☀️ Recent update about my life🙌 Because the COVID-19 situation is getting worse and worse everyday, it has been a little s ..

@zuuchan_fit この投稿をInstagramで…

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