Shomyo Falls – 22.1km/4.1% – Tateyama/Toyama Prefecture – Maximum Gradient – 14%/Elevation – 1,035m称名滝 – 22.1km/4.1% – 立山/富山県 – 最大勾配 – 14% / 標高 – 1,035m
The Shomyo Falls climb is a very popular climb located in the Tateyama National Park that has mild gradients (except for the last km!), great views and excellent road conditions. The beginning of the climb (after crossing the Tateyama Bridge) is somewhat arbitrary as there is a slight increase in elevation continually from Toyama Station. I recommend taking Route 43 (picture 3), a pleasant wide road that leads to Route 15/Route 6. Although there are multiple locations to buy water and access to restrooms, most of the cyclists seem to use the Tateyama Alpine Village road stop that also has a convenience store. The road runs along the Joganji River with mild gradients (picture 4) and some undulations until past the Tateyama Station area when the gradient begins to increase (picture 5). The open views continue all along the climb and there is a manned (but free!) toll booth (picture 6) before the first view of Shomyo Falls can be seen in the distance (picture 7). The last steep km averaging nearly 14% suddenly comes into view (picture 8). The last section of the climb (0.5km) – picture 1 – was closed to bicycles as there was some construction on the narrower road. A highly recommended climb and Shomyo Falls is quite beautiful. Note – the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route – which runs just south of this climb – is only open to cyclists once a year to ride through the famous snow corridors.
称名滝登りは立山国立公園内にある非常に人気のあるクライムで、最後の 1 km を除いて緩やかな勾配で、素晴らしい景色と優れた道路条件を備えています。登り始め(立山橋を渡った後)は、富山駅から少しずつ標高が上がっていくので、やや恣意的です。富山市から広い国道43号線がおすすめです。国道43号線は国道15号線と国道6号線につながる。水やトイレの場所は複数ありますが、サイクリストの多くは立山あるぺん村の道の駅に立ち寄るそうです。道は常願寺川沿いに緩やかな勾配(写真4)と若干の起伏があり、立山駅前を過ぎると勾配が増し始める(写真5)。開けた景色がずっと続き、有人(無料!)の料金所があり(写真6)、遠くに称名滝が見えてきます(写真7)。平均 14% 近くの最後の急勾配の km が突然見えてきます (写真 8)。登りの最後のセクション (0.5 km) – 写真 1 – は、狭い道路で工事が行われていたため、自転車は通行できませんでした。非常におすすめの登りで、称名滝はとても美しいです。注 – この登り道のすぐ南を走る立山黒部アルペン ルートは 、有名な雪の回廊を走るために年に 1 回だけサイクリストに開放されています。
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