昨日は人生初の鉄分点滴をしてきました。食事とサプリで頑張りたかったけど、最終的に、鉄分(特にフェリチン)が低すぎると言われて… 。鉄分点滴がいいことなのかわからないけれど、よい点は、一度すると、鉄分の数値が1年くらいはもつみたいで、サプリメントを飲みつづけるよりは、いいのかもなぁと。
鉄分の効果を感じるのは2週くらい後みたいなので、楽しみです 💜
I had such a cleaning morning today. I usually use baking powder and some essential oil for cleaning. It smells amazing after cleaning 😀
I had my first ever iron infusion yesterday. I heard stories of side effects before infusion, so I was so scared but eventually I was feeling just alright after the infusion.
I was undecided whether the infusion was a good thing or not ? But thinking that if tablets, I have to take it every single day but if you do the infusion, it can last about a year.
This means that the tablets would cost me $30 every month while iron infusion would cost $90 per year. If your could heal your condition, this can be the first and last iron infusion ever.
We need iron to make healthy blood and healthy heart function. I decided this way for now.
Doctor said it would take 2 weeks to feel the benefit. The benefit means energy. I can’t wait to feel energy back in my life 😃
I’m going to prep my dinner now 💜
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