September 2nd – Pikachu Lunchbox (supposedly)
My second favorite little monster (1st being my little sister) is yellow, and offers the best advise with just a Pika Pika. I guess during unpredictable times, a brief memory from your childhood is often enough for momentary comfort 😊
Today’s lunch:
1) Lemon Rice with Turmeric, Asafoetida, Mustard Seeds, Chili and Black Gram Lentils
2) Boiled Corn
3) Pickled Ginger
4) Kimchi
5) Grapes
6) Broccoli Rabe
7) Sauteed Mushrooms with Salt
8) Frisée
Also, the first picture is my interpretation/entry for Day 3 (Yellow) of #inspiretocolor challenge organized by @boxofspice and @binjalsvegkitchen. If I managed to get you guys to chuckle, it’s a job well done in my opinion 😁 Yellow is joy after all!
A splash of yellow
And a glorious grin,
An electrifying presence
Since the beginning;
It’s a simple journey
To the lands and destinies beyond
Her sight, and so
With you by my side,
We gotta catch ‘em all!
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