Today’s bento: Roasted mackerel, with cauliflower and kale!
I try to have as many vegetable as possible in my bento, thus I’m actively searching for different seasonings to create new flavors in my vegetable dishes.
Recently I’m exploring various Taiwanese pickles from Asian grocery stores. When I was in Taiwan, I used to eat these pickles alone with rice porridge. Now I don’t eat rice porridge often, and I found these pickles very flavorful, so I use them as seasonings and pair with different vegetables.
Pickled bamboo shoot is one of my favorite pickle. It is mildly spicy and full of fermented acidity. I used it as a salad dressing to mix with blanched cauliflower and thinly-sliced cherry radish. It can serve as a cold entree or a reheat-able bento side dish.
🥢Bring a medium pot of salted water to boil, and add the cauliflower to salted water. When the water boils again, leave the cauliflower boiling for 1 minute. Drain cauliflowers.
🥢In a medium bowl, mix cauliflower with 1-1.5 tbsp of pickled bamboo shoots. Add 2 drops of lemon juice for more fragrance and acidity.
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