Chicken breast, roasted sweet pepper, and Penne Salad Bento
Last weekend I biked for more than one hour to visit a mall with lots of Asian cuisines. After working from home for one and a half year, I felt that all my muscles had disappeared.
In some part of my biking route, I even had to do some so called “weightlifting screams” to cycle uphill. I guess that grunting moment was when I felt closest to Olympic players 🤣
Anyway, I felt so exhausted after that trip, and this week I have been slacking off with my bento creations. This penne salad is one of my go-to recipes when feeling unmotivated for cooking.
For 2 servings:
🥢Marinate 1 chicken breast with salt or soy sauce overnight.
🥢Halve sweet peppers and roast with 350F for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, boil a pot of water to cook 1 cup of penne.
🥢Heat the pan with medium flame and 1 spoon of oil. Sear both sides of chicken breast till golden brown and then turn to low flame. Cover and cook for 5-6minutes. Rest chicken breast on chopping board for 5 minutes, and then slice it.
🥢In a big bowl, stir in drained penne, sliced chicken breast, roasted sweet peppers, chopped kale, and desired salad dressing.
I shared the recipes of my favorite salad dressing and several variants in my previous Pakora Bento post. Feel free to try it out!
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