❤️ FB #抽獎文 在台灣的朋友,歡迎到FB粉專抽獎 ❤️
As my kiddo Z settled into the new school, he told me the two things that made him feel better when going to a new school — making friends and having lunch with them. So when Sandy from @miniware_tw approached me to create food arts to encourage new schoolers, I felt inspired to create a mini-story based on Z’s experience. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do making it!
❶ It is the 1st day of kindergarten, but the little girl is worried about going to school for the 1st time.
❷ Although she is still unsure about going to school, she finds a beautiful field on the way there that makes her feel a little better.
❸ She continues her way to school and serendipitously meets a few new friends in the forest, and they all seem very excited about starting the adventure at the school together.
❹ The little girl is now not afraid of going to school because she knows she has new friends to enjoy the yummy lunch with.
在小子Z慢慢適應新學校之後,有一天他告訴我有兩件事讓他喜歡上學 – 交到新的朋友還有能和他們一起吃午餐。所以當@mini ware_tw的Sandy找我做一個餐點故事,內容大綱是鼓勵第一次上學的小朋友,我馬上聯想到Z。餐點故事是我一直想做的,用這個小故事來開頭再適合不過了,家裡有小小孩的,看看他們能不能看圖說故事呢?! :)
❶ 開學的第一天,小紅帽帶著有點忐忑的心情準備開啟幼稚園生活,捨不得離開奶奶
❷ 在去學校的途中,經過了漂亮的風景,但因為緊張蹲在花叢旁、逃避不想去上學
❸ 但看到許多可愛的動物朋友,大家都手拉著手很開心地去上學
❹ 讓小紅帽也鼓起勇氣進學校,不只交到了好朋友,還能還跟大家一起用餐♪♪
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