有朋友問我怎麼準備做造型,才不會在早上手忙腳亂,今天來分享我的 #冷便當 準備步驟!
➸ 韓式牛肉(醃好分裝冷凍,需要用時前一天炒好或當天早上炒後放涼,帶便當很方便)
➸ 胡蘿蔔炒蛋(前晚先將胡蘿蔔削成細絲,早上炒蛋後一部份當早餐,一部份放便當)
➸ 涼拌胡蘿蔔 & 玉米粒(前一晚先燙好、調味放冷藏)
➸ 胡蘿蔔花 &玉米筍(前一晚先切割好與燙好的玉米筍放冷藏,裝飾時稍微壓入飯內卡住)
➸ 白飯(前一晚的剩飯,加點水微波後再造型)
➸ 壽司海苔表情(前一晚剪好放密封盒)
People asked me how to make cute bento efficiently in the morning, so I‘m sharing some preparation tips below!
I finally had time to focus on what I enjoyed making the most — the cute bento! Since Z put his lunch bag in a communal box with everyone else in the class, I had to make sure what I made was “shaking” resistant. When I picked Z up that day, he was happy that the bunny was intact and his teacher liked his lunch, too~ 😋
“Miffy bento” – inspired by @foodmakesfun
➸ Korean beef (cook the beef the night before, heat up and let it cooled before placing into lunch box)
➸ carrot omelet (shred the carrot the night before and then make the omelet in the morning; using half for the breakfast, half for lunch box)
➸ carrot & corn cold dish (prepare those the night before)
➸ carrot & baby corn “flowers” (cut them the night before)
➸ rice (cook it the night before, heat up and let it cooled before placing into lunch box)
➸ sushi seaweed facial expression (cut and store them in a sealed container the night before)
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