• Big boy!
Two days ago we went to the 1
month check of little Haruto.
Returning to the clinic where he was born, gave me a shiver of emotion.
From simply going up the stairs, that I remember having faced with difficulty and only thanks to the support of a nurse, to pass through the corridors that I walked back and forth hundreds of times in the middle of the night in order to try to put the little one to sleep. Everything has been really emotional.
Not to mention reviewing all the mothers with whom I have shared those 4 days in the clinic.
It made me smile to see what we had in common: supaer tired looks with bags under our eyes, backpacks full of baby cloth, diapers and towel, together with bands use to carry the baby that have now become a second skin.
All this make me smile, but guys, be a mom is not easy 😂
As for the little guy, he’s super fit. And when Isay “super” I am refering to its growth. This man at only 1 month of life has managed to exceed 5 kg!!! I don’t know if because of the Italian genes, or because of the fact that the Dad is definitely high compared to the average, but compared to other children he is a giant!!
Maybe a future as a
sumo wrestler? We will see 😆
Today’s obento: umeboshi with wasabi furikake, soysauce egg, stir fry mushrooms, chijimi with moiashi, neghi and nira + teriyaki satoimo 💕
ps: this morning the sky was incredible
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