タグ: #ヨガ好きな人と繋がりたいPage 2 of 3

Good evening💚💙 Recently, I started the @chloe_t challenge🥰❤️🔥 I’m doing the 2021 2 weeks shred challenge🏋️‍♂️ I’ve been using her You ..

@zuuchan_fit この投稿をInstagramで…

足が90度になるまでの挑戦🧘‍♀️ “難しいポーズ”をやる理由は 自分の身体の変化や、身体の使い方の成長の為に練習をしてます☺︎ . できない日もあれば、久々にやってみてできる日もあります☺︎ 心や身体の変化に気づいてあげる事を第一優先に🍃 . 昔の自分は”インスタの為” ..

@sayaka._yoga この投稿をInstagram…

Good morning☀️ I’m in love with this basic crop top😍❤️ I’m wearing them for working out and then washing them quickly everyday so I can ..

@zuuchan_fit この投稿をInstagramで…

Good morning☀️ I think my everyday abs workout challenge is helping me get more fit💪 Today, I did HIIT, yoga, and abs workout🏋️‍♂️🧘‍♀️ ..

@zuuchan_fit この投稿をInstagramで…

Hello hello🌙 Did yoga, some abs workout, full body workout, and indoor biking after work🚴‍♀️🧘‍♀️🏋️‍♂️ I really like to do cardio exerc ..

@zuuchan_fit この投稿をInstagramで…

Good morning☀ Woke up later than usual😫 I have to get my waking up at 5:00am schedule back on the track again! I’m gradually getting m ..

@zuuchan_fit この投稿をInstagramで…

Good evening🌙 It’s summer vacation now so I sometimes change my training schedule to night😉 Today, I did morning yoga, hourglass worko ..

@zuuchan_fit この投稿をInstagramで…

Good morning☀️ I haven’t been able to post for a long time but I was continuing my workouts!☺️ I was so busy these past few days that ..

@zuuchan_fit この投稿をInstagramで…

Good morning☀️ Probably my last day of period and last day of bloating🤞 I did some hourglass workout by @chloe_t 🍑⏳ After working out ..

@zuuchan_fit この投稿をInstagramで…

I can’t workout everyday now but I’m walking more than 15000 steps a day! Teachers walk so much everyday😂💛 今は筋トレできてないけど1日に毎日15000歩歩いてる! ..

@zuuchan_fit この投稿をInstagramで…

Good morning☀️ I did 10min of abs workout and morning yoga today 🏋️‍♂️🧘‍♀️ I will get vaccinated today so I think I will take some day ..

@zuuchan_fit この投稿をInstagramで…

Hello☀️ How is everyone’s summer?⛱🌻 I hope everyone is having a great summer! The Olympics ended😢 I really enjoyed watching soccer, v ..

@zuuchan_fit この投稿をInstagramで…

Good morning ☀️ I ate too much yesterday so it was a bit hard to workout😅 But I did it💪 Did morning yoga and 10 min abs by @blifetokyo ..

@zuuchan_fit この投稿をInstagramで…

Good morning☀️ It’s Monday, the start of a brand new week! I started off my week with some full body exercises 🏋️‍♂️💪 I hope you all ..

@zuuchan_fit この投稿をInstagramで…

Good morning☀️ The 2020 Tokyo Olympics started and I enjoyed watching the opening ceremony✌️ Did everyone watch it? These days, it’s h ..

@zuuchan_fit この投稿をInstagramで…

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