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⁣ Are you missing Japan 🇯🇵 ?⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ Yes! I am missing everything about Japan! ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ To relieve my ‘craving’ for Japan, I have been writ ..

@whywendywrites この投稿をInstagr…

アメリカンビレッジより癒しの一枚をお届け🤲🏻 今月の #月一旅行 は #沖縄 🏝 6日程滞在し、北谷、うるま市、那覇、南條等沢山走り回りました🚗 今回で4回目の来沖、前回は半年前の秋。 気候も暖かく、過ごし易い季節でチューブトップでも全然歩ける◎ 来る度に魅了される沖縄 ..

@coquitaaa5 この投稿をInstagramで見…

You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf 🌊 . . . #surf #surfwaves #waves #aesthetic #sunset #dreamysky #clouds #ocean #natur ..

@justinepambianchi この投稿をInst…

“ Que a palavra flua , Que a mente de liberte, Que a imaginação você , Que o coracao floresça… Que coisas boas amanheçam Dentro da gent ..

@priyokomizo この投稿をInstagramで…

Just be you. 💚🤍 . . . #beyou #beyourself #happy #trendy #outside #ocean #nature #fitwoman #fitmom #islandgirl #momsofinstagram #momswit ..

@justinepambianchi この投稿をInst…

Finding Paradise wherever I go🏝 and that’s a fact! 😎 . . . #paradise #paradiseisland #paradiseliving #tropical #goodvibes #palmtrees #p ..

@justinepambianchi この投稿をInst…

A Ilha de Minnajima é com certeza uma dos lugares mais lindos de Okinawa. 🌺 Ótima opção pra quem não quer perder o dia todo em um passe ..

@priyokomizo この投稿をInstagramで…

The beach is the only place where salt lowers my blood pressure. #okinawa Follow @ swimsuit: @hm . . #wanderlust #adventureseeker #yaho ..

@mo_z1lla この投稿をInstagramで見る …

Today, I visited one of the shrines here in Okinawa, particularly the one in Awase. (See in my stories ⬆️) “Bijuru” in the Okinawan lan ..

@iamalittlegelly この投稿をInstag…

When stars met lanterns, The stars said, “What’s the wish I’m ready to fall”. ~Fahtima Shamla .. .. Murasaki Mura Ryukyu Kingdom is loca ..

@iamalittlegelly この投稿をInstag…

“Life is full of PossibiliTea!” Who in here loves milk tea? 🧋🙋‍♀️ 📸: Lemie-san .. .. #milktea #bobatea #bobadrinks #okinawa #boba #oki ..

@iamalittlegelly この投稿をInstag…

You can regret a lot of things but you’ll never regret being kind. . . #oki #iloveokinawa #okinawa #okinawajapan #island #islandlife #b ..

@iamalittlegelly この投稿をInstag…

T A N G E R M O R O C C O 💙💙🇲🇦. . . . . . . FOLLOW US ON : @ #visitmorocco #travelingram #blogger #travelblog #tabippo #rakutentravel # ..

@bettermorocco この投稿をInstagra…

“Keep your face always towards the sunshine- and shadows will fall behind you.” ~ Walt Whitman .. .. If you saw my stories☝️,husband and ..

@iamalittlegelly この投稿をInstag…

Every breath we take, every step we make, can be filled with peace, joy and serenity.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh .. .. Shrinto Shrine is a struct ..

@iamalittlegelly この投稿をInstag…


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