

💗Hello you lovely lot, hope you’re handling mid-week blue okay! Fitness & Weight Loss journey can be quite challenging to get through, and perhaps you’re not seeing results. Maybe your on weight scale stressing over gaining little weight, not motivated enough or you just feel bloated.. At least for me, having my best friend along the whole journey (obviously we’re still on it) massively helped me both physically + emotionally👯‍♀ Stop stressing over and postponing, focus on your GOAL🔥 Eventually the results comes along – we lost over 30kg between us😉😉

Hope our posts + videos motivates you lot to continue your own journey and maybe to start one🥰

➡Swipe Left to see our BEFORE pic😳

みなさん今日も䞀日お疲れさたお゙した✚ダむ゚ットや筋トレ続けおいくのっお時には倧倉お゙すよね。すぐには結果が芋えなかったり、モチベヌションがむマむチだったり、、わたしたちの堎合はお互いのサポヌトがあっおここたお゙ダむ゚ットを頑匵るこずがお゙きたした👯‍♀ ストレスは溜めず、自分のゴヌルにフォヌカスしたしょう🔥コミットしたら結果は぀いおきたす、人お゙合わせお30kg以䞊の枛量に成功したした😉😉

@BeefitTokyo をチェックしおダむ゚ットのモチベヌションが䞊がったり、運動する気持ちが湧いおくれたら嬉しいお゙す🥰

💛 @missyumis

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