“Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuild my life” -R.K. Rowling
My solid foundation is GOD. When I hit rock bottom years ago, I had no clue on what to do so I did what my grandma once told me, look to God for help, look up & talk to him. So believe it or not, I did just that.
I now live my life the way I want to & not the way everyone else expects me to.
Before I met my husband, before my relationship with God, I was a different person… Thinking of how I used to be makes me disgusted but because I put the work in & changed everything bad about me, I can now look back & take it as a lesson, as what I call “my wake up call”. I made a promise to myself, God & my husband that I will never go back to being that person.
Life has been so much easier because I chose peace, I chose to stay away from negativity & I chose to be happy. ☺️
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