

As I watched the sun slowly dip down toward the horizon, I saw the father and son fishing off the pier. It was as if they were the only ones in the world with nothing else mattering except that moment. It reminded me of my childhood and the times I spent with my dad, enjoying the simple moments of life. Although my parents did the best they could, I always wanted more quality time – that kind of emotional support and quality moments that just weren’t available because of work and other responsibilities.

This photo captures the essence of something I seldom had as a child: that magical moment when a young boy connects with a positive male role model who teaches him how to cope with the stresses of life. It’s a reminder of the importance of fathers in their son’s lives – showing them what good men do and how to be a part of something greater than themselves. It is in these moments that Steele sharpens Steele.

Looking at the photo, I feel both sadness and joy – sadness that I missed out on these moments in my own childhood, but joy for the father and son before me who have something that I wanted. And perhaps it’s because of that sadness that I am filled with an even greater appreciation for the beauty of their connection. It’s the kind of moment that reminds us of what’s important, and it conveys a message beyond the photo itself. That message is that we all need someone like the father in our lives – someone who takes the time to show us what good men do, spends quality time with us, and teaches us how to release the stress of life.


AF Zoom-Nikkor 70-300mm f/4-5.6D ED
300 mm
1/200 s