

— ✹Beach with my friends 📍 kouri island 2月に8月の沖瞄旅行予玄しお5泊6日栌安お゙友達たちず旅行行ったのがすごく懐かしい😂倧奜きな友達ず行く旅行っお本圓に楜しい沖瞄行くのに誰も免蚱持っおなくお、党郚普通のバスお゙回ったのもいい思い出😂たたみんなお゙旅行したいな〜 It had been my dream to go to Okinawa since I was little. There was much more beautiful place than I watched through the tv!!!! But important thing is not where I go, it’s with who I stay. Spending time with BEST FRIENDS are irreplaceable to me🥰✚ . . . 🧡

Rico(@tripjustforfun_0418)がシェアした投皿 –

✹Beach with my friends
📍 kouri island


It had been my dream to go to Okinawa since I was little. There was much more beautiful place than I watched through the tv!!!!
But important thing is not where I go, it’s with who I stay. Spending time with BEST FRIENDS are irreplaceable to me🥰✚